Kaunis odotus kätilön palvelut

Privacy Statement

This privacy statement is about processing the personal data of our clients. This privacy statement gives information ruled in data protection legislation to both registered and supervisory authorities (description of processing operations).

Register holder:

Kaunis odotus
Topaasipolku 4, 01700 Vantaa

The patient register of Kaunis odotus is shared between the professionals and midwifes operating for Kaunis odotus.

Processing of personal data

Your personal data will be processed for the following purposes:

  • To offer you legal healthcare services
  • To determine the need for the healthcare services and to target the service based on the legal right, law or the service agreement between Kaunis odotus and the client
  • To monitor the work and the work quality of our professionals based on law
  • For marketing and communication purposes based on your consent, agreement and/or the rightful right of Kaunis odotus
  • For marketing and communication purposes based on your consent, agreement and/or the rightful right of Kaunis odotus
  • To plan, develop, manage, monitor and report and track the quality of our actions and information management based on law and the rightful right of Kaunis odotus
  • For research- and statistics purposes based on consent, law, general benefit and/or the rightful benefit of Kaunis odotus
  • For processing feedbacks, official clarification requests and hazardous events based on the law and the rightful benefit of Kaunis odotus
  • For billing and debt collection purposes based on the agreement between the client and Kaunis odotus

Categories of processed data

We process the following personal data:

  • Basic information
  • Health information
  • Information in regards of well-being
  • Appointment information
  • Recordings of customer service events
  • Billing information
  • Feedback, official clarification requests and hazardous events
  • Data of using the website and our services
  • The information related to identification
  • Online behaviour and analytics
    Retention perioid of personal data

We store your data in the following manner:

The information related to the patient’s care is stored for 12 years after their passing or without this information, 120 years after their birth as ruled by Social and Health Ministry. If the information stated by the client has not been made part of the patient books, the information will be stored as long until the client deletes it themselves or asks us to delete the information from our system. To delete a plan made by a professional you must indicate your request to our Vantaa office. The recording of customer service events are stored for maximum amount of three months unless else agreed with the client. For the part of other personal data we regularly estimate the need for the data in relation to the goals it is used to achieve. If we can determine that the data is not necessary to reach the motives and we are not obligated by law to keep it, we delete the data.

Data sources

How do we collect data:

The processed data is mainly collected from the patient. If the patient is under the age of 18, the information can also be collected from the guardians. Personal data is also collected from the staff during treatment and examination.

The basic information of the patient is updated from the population information system of Digi- ja väestötietovirasto (digital and population information agency).

Personal data can also be collected from other healthcare units with the consent of the patient.

In some cases information can also be collected from insurance companies etc.

Processing and transfer of personal data

How is the data processed and disclosed?

With the agreement of a joint register the information is processed by the professionals of Kaunis odotus.

Customer data processing can be externalized to outside providers that will process the data for Kaunis odotus. No customer information is tranferred outside of EU- or ETA-district. The information can be moved to some extent outside of EU- or ETA- district as allowed by law. In this case the data is transfered using the forms from EU- comission or other data protection legislation approved method.

The customer data is disclosed to following parties:

The patient data is archived in the service maintained by Kela as ruled by the law of storing tha patient data. Read more at www.kanta.fi

In addition to this patient data can be disclosed to following parties based on law:

  • Other units/organizations/treatment facilities or healthcare professionals: Information essential to organizing treatment can be disclosed between healthcare providers based on the consent given by the patient.
  • Insurance companies. Information essential to legally mandatory insurance can be disclosed to the insurance company without consent based on law. For non-mandatory insurance information is only shared on patient’s consent.
  • Authorities and/or communities. Court, authorities or communities that have the legal right to get information will get the information they order based on the written request as necessary.
  • Family members of patients. In case of the patient being unconscious or treated for other similar reason, information can be disclosed to a family member, unless there is a reason to believe patient has forbidden to share information.
  • Research organizations. Information can be disclosed as based in patient law 13.4 §. Anonymized and/or statistic information can be disclosed without consent.