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Your baby develops week by week during your pregnancy and learns a
variety of new skills. Below you can get to know your baby’s development week by week and also get an idea of which of our services is fit for what week
During this month I will grow from the size of a poppy seed all the way to the size of a whole raspberry! My heart will start to beat 25 days after conceiving and you can see my beating heart in the early pregnancy ultrasound as soon after pregnancy week 6+3. After pregnancy week 8+0 my limbs will start forming, my brain will start developing and you will start seeing my spine.
I have reached the size of a cherry and this month will grow all the way to the size of a passion fruit. You can already see my limbs clearly and my movements are quite visible in the ultrasound. After the pregnancy week 10 you will start seeing teeny tiny toes on my feet. I like to wave and show off the fingers that have grown on my hands. I have also experienced something super strange. Hiccups! It makes me jump in the womb. You can come to see my new skills in the early pregnancy ultrasound.
During these three weeks I grew from the size of a nectarine all the way to the size of an apple! I change my position quite actively. I’m flexible and sometimes my little toes hit all the way to my forehead. Sometimes I like to suck my thumb. You can come to peek me in the mid-pregnancy ultrasound.
At the start of pregnancy week 16+0 I am already the size of a pear! By halfway of pregnancy I’ll be the size of a mango. It’s not only my size that is changing – now I’ve started to hear! After the pregnancy week 16+0 I’ve started to hear my mother speak and the sound of her heartbeat. Sometimes I hear her stomach groan. All these new sounds are so interesting. I can’t wait to develop this sense more!
After pregnancy week 16+0 you can come and check my gender. My position may affect on how visible it is, but I promise to try my best and show it to you if you want. If you prefer so, I can also keep it a secret until the day we meet. Which is not that much longer – we are almost halfway through! You can come and see me in the mid-pregnancy ultrasound where you can see me in 2D-format with the option to take a little look at me in 3D/4D-format for the first time if you choose the mid-pregnancy ultrasound service with recording included. With the recording option you will receive both photo and video material of me on a USB-stick.
We are past halfway and I’m the size of a papaya already. In just a few weeks I’ll be long as a corncob. I’ve already been to the structural ultrasound where I was examined but this doesn’t have to be the only time you get to admire me as you also have the option to come to midpregnancy ultrasound. I have developed again and for example my weight can be estimated. In the ultrasound we can also check the position of my placenta and umbilical cord. Next month it will be time for 3D/4Dultrasound and I am already trying to become squishier and rounder to look cute for the scan.
During these weeks I will grow from the size of a corncob to the size of a cabbage. My cheeks are rounder and there is enough water around me to see me in the best way in the 3D/4D-ultrasound examination. My mama had a snack before the examination and it made me super active. I make faces and lots of other things in the womb and I’m wondering if maybe my parents can already see some familiar features in me? Also my weight was estimated again during the examination.
After pregnancy week 24+0 I have noticed being able to hear more and more. One day I got scared of our dog barking and a siren. Even though it was scary it’s amazing to hear all these sounds of the outside world!
After pregnancy week 27+0 something exciting happened. I opened my eyes for the first time. My senses are developing fast. One day I turned myself upside down in the womb. This last part of pregnancy is all so new and exciting!
During this following month I will develop from the size of a butternut squash into the size of a coconut. At the beginning of these weeks you can still come and see me in the 3D/4D-ultrasound even though the recommended weeks are over. If there is still enough water in front of my face and I’m in a good position I can be scanned well. By pregnancy week 32+0 I have already gained half of my birth weight! You can already book the late pregnancy ultrasound to come and see how I’ve grown and developed.
I’m the size of a pineapple and by the end of the month my size will be closer to a honey melon. I’m almost full term! You can come to see me in late pregnancy ultrasound, where my weight will be estimated and my position checked. You can also book a midwife’s appointment to discuss my future birth and get all your questions answered. I can hear my parents talking about the labour with the midwife. I’m also excited about it!
I am full term! See you soon! I am almost the size of a pumpkin. My parents rented out the TENS-machine for the labour. I think we are all a bit nervous, but so so excited to see each other. You can come to see me for the last time in the late pregnancy ultrasound and check my position and size one more time before I arrive. This has been quite a journey. From the size of a poppy seed all the way to being in my parents arms soon.